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Events: 2014-2015

Lunar New Year
2015: Year of the Sheep

A celebration of the beginning of the new year according to the lunar calendar. APASU's hosts this event each year representing a different zodiac, and this year we celebrate the year of the sheep. This year's Lunar New Year included performances from Jow Ga Kung Fu, and the Veitnamese Student Association (VSA). Other organziations helped us with arts and crafts, including the Chinese Culture and Language Club (CCLC), and VSA.

21 Flavors
Charity Date Auction

A charity date auction set to help raise money for Relay for Life. We host the auction with our members and other individuals who volunteered, and this is one of our biggest and annual event. 

A.C.E. Revelation
Anh Chi Em Program (Big/Little)

A night dedicated to revealing the Bigs to their Littles. This is a night for Bigs and Littles to meet, and get to know each other officially, as well as hang out with other fellow members and individuals who are a part of the same family.

Member's Retreat 2015
Camp Skimino

The member's retreat is a great opportunity to get to know your fellow members.

Asian Fest 2015
Friendship Games

Every Asians/Pacific Islanders that participate in Asian Fest take part in different kind of sports.

Language Workshop

A workshop that allowed our members to learn different languages varying from Vietnamese, Tagalog, Chinese, and Thai. With the help of our fellow members who spoke the languages fluently, our members were able to learn a thing or two about phrases that vary for each language.

Relay For Life


KASA: Korean Culture Night


G. Yamazawa
Spoken Words


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